Automatic Grease Systems for Concrete Vehicles
Configured auto grease systems designed to enhance pump truck operation
Concrete Vehicles in Construction
The importance of Lubrication
Concrete trucks are a vital machine on construction sites; they are the vehicles that create sturdy foundations for buildings, roads, and more. A concrete truck needs to be lubricated to reduce friction, component wear, corrosion, and ensure smooth operation. It's important concrete trucks are reliable, and by having a lubrication system, you can extend the lifetime and reduce maintenance to keep it running.

Increase the life of equipment by 4x and reduce maintenance by installing a Lubeminder lubrication system onto your equipment.
Critical points requiring lubrication
Concrete trucks must be lubricated at the most critical points to ensure they are running efficiently and reliably.



Bushings & Pins
Why LubeMinder?
Concrete trucks require reliable lubrication to keep projects on schedule. With a reliable lubrication system, you can save time on maintenance, save money on expensive equipment repairs, and increase ROI. With our customizable automatic lubrication systems, we take out the guess work to ensure all critical points are being lubricated precisely and regularly with the perfect amount of lubricant. When designing your unique system, we keep in mind the ideal maintenance schedule, machine lubricant requirements, and operating conditions.
A LubeMinder lubrication system:
Improves lubricant delivery to critical
points -
Prevents corrosion
Reduces friction
Extends component life
Reduces downtime
Can be customized to your systems needs
Hydraulic Grease Pump
The LubeMinder® Hydraulic Grease Pump consistently greases grease points while running. The actuated grease pump requires no electricity so it can be installed where your critical points are located. This greasing system offers a variety of components and is easily customizable to meet your needs. The LubeMinder® Hydraulic Grease Pump applies grease at perfectly timed intervals to ensure even grease application, minimize abrasion, and to cool down moving parts. This system is ideal for mobile equipment.
Electric Grease Pump
The LubeMinder® Electric Grease Pump efficiently distributes grease to lubricate machine friction points. The availability of multiple outlets guarantee correct discharge for each point, and are ideal for automatic grease lubrication in industrial machines. With one electric grease pump, the progressive system can automate the centralization of over 300 greasing points.