how we can help

These sleeves are ideal for fluctuating temperatures to keep your hoses properly insulated:
1050 Radiant Lined
Black Poly Radiant Lined

Heat & Fire
These wrap sleeves are designed to withstand extreme temperatures and abrasion:

Hose Burst Protection
These hydraulic hose sleeves are made to protect from hose bursts and prevent injury:
Diamondback LTEDiamondback
Diamondback PRO

Fire & Thermal
These hose sleeves are designed to protect hoses from the heat:
Therma Sleeve - HD
Therma Sleeve

Job Site Safety

Cinch Straps
Cinch straps are quick to install, easy to adjust, and bundle things securely:
Cinch Straps - HD
Micro Cinch Straps

Hanging Strap
Reusable hanging straps designed to keep cords, hoses, and more out of the way:
Hanging Strap - HD
Micro Hanging Strap

Grip Straps
industry certifications & organizations
